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Q1 FY2025
Quarter Ended May 31, 2024

Earning ReleasePDF | HTML
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Latest SEC Filing

Form Type : 8-K
Filed : 06/28/2024
Form : HTML | PDF
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Company Overview

FingerMotion is an evolving technology company with a core competency in mobile payment and recharge platform solutions in China. It is one of only a few companies in China with access to wholesale rechargeable minutes from China's largest mobile phone providers that can be resold to consumers.

As the user base of its primary business continues to grow, the Company is developing additional value-added technologies to market to its users. The vision of the Company is to rapidly grow the user base through organic means and have this growth develop into an ecosystem of users with high engagement rates utilizing its innovative applications. Developing a highly engaged ecosystem of users would strategically position the Company to onboard larger customer bases. FingerMotion eventually hopes to serve over 1 billion users in the China market and eventually expand the model to other regional markets.

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