Investor Relation


Based on the review by the Company's management team, we believe that the Capybara Report contain many errors, unsupported speculations and inaccurate interpretations of events. The Company's management, together with its Board of Directors, intends to further review and examine the allegations and misinformation therein and will take whatever necessary and appropriate actions may be required to protect the interest of its shareholders. The Company is already in the process of identifying and engaging experts who can assist it in identifying the perpetrators behind this coordinated action.

The Company endeavors to provide full and accurate disclosure to investors and rebut any false claims that attempt to impair market confidence in FingerMotion's business, operations and financial statements. The Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance, as well as transparent and timely disclosure in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the Nasdaq rules.
